AYA is the Hopi word for the gourd rattles used by the katsinas during their ceremonies. They are also given as gifts to young boys (along with bow and arrows, tops and stick balls).

From left to right: A rattle with Hopi friendship symbols made by Jordan Saufkie, 4.5 inches in diameter and $120. Next is a rattle made by Yokvaya Saufkie, adorned with turkey tracks, a ying yang symbol and cloud motifs. ust over 5 inches wide and $100. The bright green rattle with rain clouds and lightning is also by Yokvaya Saufkie. 4.5 inches wide and $60. The muted green rattle with turkey tracks and prayer feather motif was made by Jordan Saufkie. This one is 14 1/8 inches high from handle bottom to the top end, $50. Next is a rattle with a Taawa or Sun motif by Yokvaya Saufkie, 4.25 inches in diameter and SOLD. The turquoise rattle with a prayer feather motif was made by Manuel Chavarria, 6.5 inches long and is $52. Next in the row is a rattle with a Katsinmana, Lenang katsina and raincloud motif, 4.5 inches in diameter and $160. Last but not least is a rattle with a prayer feather motif made by Jordan Saufkie. 2 3/8 inches in diameter and $36. (ALL IN SANTA FE)


A Mudhead, 11 inches tall, $125. This rattle is the style traditionally carried by the Koyemsi or Miudheads, is 12 inches long and $125. A large Ahöla rattle 20 inches high with turkey and parrot feathers. $160. (ALL in SANTA FE)