The Hoho Mana is by Ryan Gashweseoma and is 9 inches. $350. (TUCSON) Next in the center is an old style Owangaroro or Stone Eater Katsina by Sean Macias. 11.25 inches high and $350. (SANTA FE) The’e* was made by Hongvi Marquez. 6 5/8 inches high and $100. (SANTA FE)
*This particular carving represents the’e katsina dancer who in turn represents the spirit of the Apache people while some Hopi say he represents the Paiute people and is called Paiutsi.
The first doll in the row above was made by Ryan Gashweseoma. An Anak’china or Longhair katsina, 8.25 inches high and $300. Next is an Umtoinaqa or Thunder katsina by Darance Chimerica. 10.5 inches high and $300. Last but definitely not least is this gorgeous Honan Katsina or Badger katsina by Shawn Deel, more information on this spectacular doll can be found in our Highly Detailed Carvings gallery. (ALL in SANTA FE)
All five dolls in this row were carved by Darance Chimerica (Makwesa is his Hopi name). Each is 9 inches high and $300. From left to right: a Heheya, an old style Turtle katsina, a Corn Boy and a Matya. (ALL IN TUCSON)
A Sio Hilili by Ryan Gashweseoma, detailed photos of this spectacular piece can be found in the Highly Detailed Carvings gallery. 15.5 inches tall and $1600 (SANTA FE)
A Hemis katsina by Carl Nequatewa. This one is 19.5 inches high to feather tip and $400. (SANTA FE)
An old style Butterfly Maiden by Randy Howato. 13 inches tall. Tablita is 9 inches wide. $600 (TUCSON)
A Hilili by Ryan Gashweseoma. 8 7/8 inches high to tallest feather tip and $350. (SANTA FE)
You can also see a larger Sio Hilili by Ryan in our Highly Detailed Gallery.