All of the dolls in these first two rows are by Ramson Lomatewama. The Hooli or Dragonfly katsina is 13.75 inches high and SOLD. The Navankatsina or Velvet Shirt katsina is 13.75 inches high and $300. The Angwusanomtaqa or Crow Mother is 11.5 inches high and $300.

The Heheya is 12.5 inches high to feather tip and $300. The Sowi’ngwkatsina or Deer katsina is 18 inches high and SOLD. The Isoo or Mustard katsina is 13.75 inches high to feather tips and $300.

Both of the dolls above were carved by Ed Seechoma, Rabbit Clan from Hotvela on Third Mesa. His distinctive style has garnered a number of awards.

The Heoto is 8.5 inches high to the top of the head and $320. A Kooninmana or Supai Maiden, 11.5 inches high to feather tips and $400.